Sunday, September 15, 2013


Lauro Martines' Humanism is about the importance of studying humanities. People started recognizing how important education was and which areas of information was needed to be successful. Rhetoric was key. Speaking and writing became an art form. How someone spoke reflected on their intelligence and in turn their success. History was still considered important as well as philosophy. The areas of philosophy and history most focused on were Greek and Roman philosophy and history. People mirrored their life after the Greeks but especially the Romans. Poetry became a large educational tool. Being able to read and write poetry and understand the historical references in it was something to strive for. People of this time thought all these educational areas led to a more moral and distinguished individual. Now in saying that, this lifestyle and frame of mind was only for the elite; those who could afford education and were allowed access to reading and writing. Lawyers and government officials were the ones gaining all this knowledge and living the lifestyle it came with. I agree that people of this stature should indefinitely be educated and strive for more "eloquent" behaviors, but what about everyone else? How much further along would those countries have gotten if they would have let their lower class be educated and taught with this mindset? How much more successful would this generation be? We still think today that having "eloquent" rhetoric is important. President Obama makes sure his speeches are written out with perfect grammar and knowledgeable statements. Schools are still teaching history and poetry. The importance of the Greeks and Romans is still taught today. How many more "greats" would we have if the "everyday joe" was given as much education as the higher classes? The innovation we missed out on because the ignorance of our past generations... Aside from that, this movement was still ground breaking and influential. The idea that education can free us from superstition and falsehood has continued throughout history and is why we still believe education is the foundation for life.

1 comment:

  1. ANother cool thing about the Humanists was the value they put on the written and spoken word. They were all kind of elitist bastards, though. The the emphasis on preservation of archaic writing styles and a love of poetry was wonderful, of course.
